- ULTIMATE GUESSING GAME: Divide yourselves up in teams, or play one on one, ask up to 10 questions to guess the country on the Game Card! Is it an island? Is this country in South America? Do people pay with euros in this country? Think hard, ask intelligent questions and the be the first player to win 7 Game Cards!
- ABOUT THE GAME: Learn fun facts about 50 Countries of the World in the most exciting way possible! Get Guessing, Get Smarter! This game is for 2-6 players
- WHAT YOU GETP: One game set includes 50 Game Cards, 6 Clue Cards, 1 Card Holder and a handy box to store it all. The box size is portable & travel friendly.
- HAPPY KIDS: Skillmatics Guess in 10 Games ensure kids have fun while they learn key concepts. It is also great for children to bond with their friends, siblings and family
- PERFECT GIFT & A FUN EDUCATIONAL GAME: Age appropriate content and gameplay that focus on building key skills in young learners
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