- ULTIMATE GUESSING GAME: Divide yourselves up in teams, or play one on one, ask up to 10 questions to guess the mode of transport on the Game Card! Does it have more than 2 wheels? Does it have an engine? Is it a land vehicle? Think hard, ask intelligent questions and the be the first player to win 7 Game Cards!
- STRATEGIZE YOUR WAY TO VICTORY: Make use of exciting features such as Clue Cards and Bonus Questions to plan your way to winning 7 cards.
- PLAY IT ANY TIME ANY PLACE: Includes 50 Game Cards, 6 Clue Cards and a handy box to store it all. The box is portable & travel friendly. Your child can become an instant champion by playing at family game nights, gatherings, birthday parties, play dates, outdoors, plane trips, road trips, summer camps and more!
- PERFECT GIFT: Makes the perfect gift for boys, girls, parents, adults, friends, families as well as any board game or card game lover.
- FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY: This is the most exciting game you’ll find for Family Game Night that can be thoroughly enjoyed by all ages 6 and up!
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